Lean Solutions assists organizations operating in the healthcare sector in optimizing their processes and improving patient safety and satisfaction by utilizing operational excellence and lean production principles.

Some of the services Lean Solutions offers to the healthcare sector include:

Operational Excellence:

  • Analysis and mapping of clinical and administrative processes
  • Identification and elimination of waste (muda) types
  • Kaizen workshops and 5S practices
  • Performance measurement and tracking systems

Lean Production:

  • Training on lean principles and tools
  • Optimization of patient flow
  • Reduction of waiting times
  • Inventory management and supply chain optimization

Patient Safety and Satisfaction:

  • Prevention of medical errors
  • Establishment of a culture of patient safety
  • Patient satisfaction surveys
  • Improvement of the patient experience

Other Services:

  • Strategic planning
  • Increased efficiency
  • Cost reduction
  • Employee engagement

Some healthcare institutions utilizing lean techniques include:

  • Mayo Clinic
  • Cleveland Clinic
  • Johns Hopkins Medicine
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • UnitedHealthcare
  • Humana

With its experience and expertise in the healthcare sector, Lean Solutions helps healthcare organizations optimize their processes, enhance patient safety and satisfaction using operational excellence and lean production principles.

If you are an organization operating in the healthcare sector and would like to learn more about the services offered by Lean Solutions, you can visit the Lean Solutions website or contact them directly.

Contact Us

We Support Our Customers by providing Lean Solutions, lean production and management consultancy, training and implementation services. Our consultants are based in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan and travel to provide support to international clients. You can send us the questions you want to ask by filling out the form. We will get back to you as soon as possible

    Why Lean Solutions ?


    • 14 years of automotive industry experience
    • More than 10 years of consulting experience
    • 30 years of IT sector expertise


    • Deep expertise in lean manufacturing and operational excellence
    • Experienced and qualified team of consultants
    • Sector-specific solutions and know-how


    • Customer-oriented and customized solutions
    • Collaborative and participatory approach
    • Openness to continuous improvement and innovation


    • Proven success stories and tangible results
    • Increased productivity, profitability and customer satisfaction
    • Faster and more effective solutions than competitors


    • Using the latest technologies and tools (Artificial intelligence, data analysis)
    • Investment in digital transformation and automation (ERP, MRP)
    • Data-driven decision making and analysis


    • Providing creative and innovative solutions
    • Dare to think outside the box and take risks
    • Offering a new and different perspective to the sector
    profile picture of Senel Buber, kaizen consultant

    Expert Kaizen Consultant


    profile picture of Cezmi Aytekin, kaizen consultant

    Expert Kaizen Consultant


    profile picture of Can Yükselen, kaizen consultant

    Expert Kaizen Consultant


    profile picture of Mahmud Nasrulloyev, kaizen consultant

    Expert Kaizen Consultant


    profile picture of Zarilbek Nyshan uulu, kaizen consultant

    ZARILBEK Nushan Uulu
    Expert Kaizen Consultant


    Cem Tetik
    Lean Finance Expert


    Customer Reviews


    We are at a seminar today. The seminar is really great and very useful for me personally. Because the topic of the seminar is production and management; how people are managed and how production is managed. One of the benefits of sitting through this seminar is that during the seminar, I was thinking about how to realize this in my production."

    Gulnara Abdykadirova

    Factory Manager, Kromsan / Ekober


    Today's seminar was good. There were useful and well-chosen trainers; people who knew their job well. The seminar was very pleasant for me. The facilities they offered were good and I experienced them. The participation was also good and it was an interactive seminar. There was good interaction between teachers and trainees. Thank you. I also thank the presenters."

    Mehmet Guler

    General Manager , Kromsan / Ekober


    I am not a professional company manager. Nevertheless, I have benefited from your training in one way: For me, I realized how different the concept of growing up and developing towards this goal is from the concept of how one can be a leader. Being a leader is not everyone's job, but it does not mean that one cannot do it, what is needed to be able to do it, what is possible, what can we do to move forward, and what are the solutions, what are the possibilities to realize healthier, people-oriented leadership in active life? This was a very good training for me."

    Ayfer Şahsuvaroğlu

    Factory Manager, Kromsan / Ekober

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